Leverage Service Knowledge in Social Media

Leverage Service Knowledge in Social Media​

By Jason Unrau 


A simple Google search for dealership social media ideas gives you a snapshot into things dealerships think about customers. One after another, all the ideas revolve around creative ways to show vehicle features, equipment, and benefits. That’s great… if the reader is in search of a new vehicle.


But what’s noticeably missing in social media strategies for car dealers – at least, the ones I’ve seen in my feeds – is the service department.


Assuming a car owner buys a vehicle every five to six years on average, there’s a period of YEARS where those posts are of no interest at all. But the service department? They’ll need to visit someone for service twice a year or more. Shouldn’t those profitable visits during ownership get some traction?

Abysmal Defection Rates

There’s no arguing defection rates at car dealerships. Anywhere from 50 to 67 percent of car buyers choose not to service at the dealership after warranty is over, and many while warranty is still in effect. It’s not just possible but likely that a segment of those owners could be retained simply due to service-related posts in a dealer’s social media presence.

Social Media Ideas for Service

Broad advertising for service hours on the Twitter machine or Facebook is fine from time to time, but there’s not much value you can add in that alone. These ideas can bring much more traction to your social media followers.

Why Services are Required

Readers eat up informative posts regarding automotive services. Remember, most car owners know only basic maintenance like oil changes and tire rotations. They don’t understand why brake fluid needs to be changed or why an alignment should be done as maintenance. Include a couple benefits, the time it takes to perform the service, and the cost.

Service Deals

Looking to boost business in a certain department? Maybe you have a 4-for-3 tire deal, an alignment special, or you want your customers to know you now offer full vehicle detailing. Put these posts in front of your customers’ eyes on social media with a link to your online appointment scheduler.

How-To Videos

Honestly, no one wants to pay $39.95 in labor to change their cabin air filter. For services that a customer can perform on their own with just a little know-how, post a video, made in-house, so they can do it themselves. Also post how much you charge if they prefer the professionals do it. You’ll have two reactions: customers who buy the parts and do it themselves, or customers who come to you because they couldn’t be bothered.

Staff Features

People love people. Feature one of your service advisors, service administration, technicians, and even your management in a social media post. Give a quick profile on how long they’ve been with you, their interests, favorite food, and what they drive.

Common Faults to Watch For  

Address common mechanical or diagnostic issues that customers face. Why the Check Engine Light comes on, causes for steering wheel vibration, what that little red light means – anything that customers could find valuable in their car ownership experience and emphasizes the dealership’s authority and expertise can be the focus.




Original published @ https://www.drivingsales.com/jason-unrau/blog/leverage-service-knowledge-in-social-media

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